Series of collages from Bulgaria: Untitled 4

Collage, aquarelle and ink on paper
29,6 x 20,4 cm
This is the work from a series of collages I made while I was living in Sofia. During that time, these collages were a great way for me to creatively express myself using very little material. Besides that, making collages was my way of dealing with moments of frustration and loneliness. As beautiful as the Erasmus experience is, there were also some not as great moments. While living in Sofia, I experienced days when I could see small “clouds” of smog and smell the pollution in the air. The fact that I could see and smell the pollution made me think about its causes and the consequences of long-term life in such a polluted environment. I often felt frustrated with that, so I tried to heal my frustration by working on these collages. I didn’t photograph many of these collages because I gave them away to my friends. Now, I am hoping that my pieces remind them that our small daily choices make a difference. :)